In seasons of hardship and trial, I find that reading biographies of faithful men and women is one of the most important ways I can keep the faith and keep perspective. Sometimes it is so hard to see outside of our circumstances, and diving in to the life of those who persevered through chaotic and evil times helps hold me up within my own set of challenges. Each of these met me in a time of great pain, and through their faith, I was buoyed in my own.
When I say I was changed by the stories of these men and women, I mean it! Praying they will encourage you in great way!
1. The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
Corrie has been my lifelong hero since I was a little girl. My mom first read this to me as a girl, and I've reread it about every 5 years or so, always walking away refreshed and encouraged by her great trust in the Lord amidst much evil. Corrie's family hid Jews during WWII and were finally betrayed to the Gestapo and put in a concentration camp. Corrie survived the camp and lived to tell about the amazing miracles she saw during this time.
2. Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom
I have most recently read Corrie's follow-up book to the Hiding Place, called Tramp for the Lord. In it, Corrie talks about how God took her all over the world after WWII, speaking of God's great love and forgiveness to people all over the world. One particular story has her coming eye to eye with a guard in the concentration camp, and having to trust the Lord to help her forgive him. It's a powerful book.
3. Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose
This book wrecked me in a powerful way. A young Darlene set out to be a missionary to Papau New Ginnea in the late 1930's, eventually getting caught up in the fight for the Pacific during WWII. She is captured and put in a POW camp, and the stories of her time there are miraculous. I walked away with tears in my eyes at how faithful our God is!
4. A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot

This book follows the life of Amy Carmichael, a young women from England who hears God's call for missions and obeys. She travels by boat to Asia, eventually ending up in India where she starts the Dohnavur Fellowship, a home for young girls who have been abandoned or who have been rescued from being sold to the temple. Her dedication, love and perseverance still impacts me to this day.
5. Any Biography from the series called Christian Heroes, Then and Now by Janet & Geoff Benge
(But especially the one on George Muller)
Christian Heroes, Then and Now is a whole series of missionary biographies written by Janet and Geoff Benge. I collect them to read to my children, but I am always the one crying when I read them. They are SO good. Their book on George Muller is especially incredible. George Muller started orphanages in England, and through the miracles of God, fed and clothed and sent children to school. He never asked for a penny, and God always provided! I came away with refreshed vision to truly PRAY for the needs of my children and my community after reading this one!
Now it's your turn friend! I'd love to hear some of the biographies that are ministering to your heart!!